Note: there are references to (legal) documents in the text. The documents are all set in the Dutch language. If you wish to know more about these documents, please contact SCGO:
Consumers can copy from copyrighted work for their own use on all available devices. When purchasing the devices with which they copy, a fee is paid, the so-called home copy levy. This is compensation for copyright holders such as filmmakers, musicians and broadcasters. Dutch and foreign broadcasters (or their representatives) receive a fee for recording or copying their programs by private individuals for their own practice, study or use. The collection and distribution of this so-called private copying fee is done by the Stichting de Thuiskopie to the Stichting Collectieve Gelden Omroepen (SCGO), on the basis of approved regulations. These regulations stipulate that private copying compensation accruing to Dutch and foreign broadcasters (or their representatives) will be paid to the Stichting Collectieve Gelden Omroepen (SCGO) for further distribution.
On this site you can read more about Stichting Collectieve Gelden Omroepen, the way in which the money received from Stichting de Thuiskopie is distributed and how it is accounted for.
Dutch and foreign broadcasters can find information about practical matters under “affiliates”.